Shareholder Centre
The Campari Shareholder Centre contains detailed information on the Group’s current and historical share performance as well as details on policy such as dividends and loyalty shares
Share Performance
Interactive Chart
Investment Calculator
This application allows an investor to appraise the return on investment in Campari shares. Select the period, digit the number of shares bought and click on "Calculate" and the result will appear. Dividends may be selected in order to get total shareholder return with dividend cash and dividend reinvested.
Historical Data
To display the historical quotation, select the period, then click on "Get Data". To download the historical quotation in Excel format, click on the corresponding choice.
BROKER Banca Akros Banca IMI S.p.A. Bank of America - Merrill Lynch Barclays Bernstein Citigroup Deutsche Bank Equita SIM Exane BNP Paribas Goldman Sachs HSBC Intermonte Sim Jefferies JP Morgan Kepler Cheuvreux Mediobanca Morgan Stanley Redburn Partners RBC Capital Markets STIFEL UBS -
Shareholding Structure
Shareholding structure as of 28 February 2025
Shareholders Ordinary Shares1 % of Ordinary Shares Special Voting Shares A2 Special Voting Shares B2 SVS A + SVS B voting rights Ordinary Shares + SVS A + SVS B voting rights % of Ordinary Shares + Special Voting Shares A+ Special Voting Shares B Lagfin S.C.A. 637,774,699 51.8% 31,700,000 592,416,000 2,401,364,000 3,039,138,699 82.6% Other Shareholders 563,274,839 45.7% 8,034,787 1,565,404 14,296,403 577,571,242 15.7% Treasury shares3 30,218,200 2.5% 31,962,151 40,000 32,122,151 62,340,351 1.7% Total 1,231,267,738 100.0% 71,696,938 594,021,404 2,447,782,554 3,679,050,292 100.0% 1Ordinary shares are listed, freely transferable and each of them confers the right to cast one vote.
2Special Voting Shares do not confer economic right, are not listed and are not transferable. Each Special Voting Share A confers the right to cast one vote. Each Special Voting Share B confers the right to cast four votes.
3Includes Special Voting Shares A transferred to the Company upon the sale of Qualifying Ordinary Shares by the selling shareholder in accordance with clause 11.5 of the SVS Terms. -
Special Voting Shares
Share Capital Evolution
Share capital evolution post-redomiciliation to the Netherlands (i.e. post-04/07/2020
On September 18th, 2020, the extraordinary general meeting of Davide Campari-Milano N.V. approved the reduction of the nominal value of each ordinary share from €0.05 to €0.01 and consequently to reduce the nominal value of each special voting share A from €0.05 to €0.01, the nominal value of each special voting share B from €0.20 to €0.04 and the nominal value of each special voting share C from €0.45 to €0.09 (Capital Reduction). As a consequence, Campari’s ordinary share capital will be equal to €11,616,000.00, and the total amount of the Capital Reduction (equal to €46,464,000.00) will be allocated to Campari’s non-distributable reserves via a decrease of the nominal value. The Capital Reduction became effective on November 27th, 2020. As of 3rd August 2023, after 3 further years of uninterrupted holding, no. 594,021,404 Special Voting Shares A held by the controlling shareholder Lagfin S.C.A., Société en Commandite par Actions and other shareholders, have been converted into an equal number of Special Voting Shares B.
Ordinary Shares
(€0.01/share)Special Voting
Shares A
(€0.01/share)Special Voting
Shares B
(€0.04/share)Special Voting
Shares C
(€0.09/share)Date # of
(€)# of
(€)# of
(€)# of
(€)Total Shares (incl. Special voting Shares)
(#)Total Share Capital (incl. Special Voting Shares)
(€)Attachments(3) Jan 16, 2024 1,231,267,738 12,312,677.38 71,696,938 716,969.38 594,021,404 23,760,856.16 - - 1,896,986,080 36,790,502.92 xx August 3, 2023 1,161,600,000 11,616,000 71,696,938 716,969.38 594,021,404 23,760,856.16 - - 1,827,318,342 36,093,825.54 xxx Nov 27, 2020 1,161,600,000 11,616,000 665,718,342 6,657,183.42 - - - - 1,827,318,342 18,273,183.42 xxx
(1) Ordinary shares are listed, freely transferable and each of them confers the right to cast one vote.
(2) Special Voting Shares do not confer any economic right, are not listed and are not transferable.-
Each of Special Voting Shares A (SVS A) confers the right to cast one vote.
Each of Special Voting Shares B (SVS B) confers the right to cast four votes.
Each of Special Voting Shares C (SVS C) confers the right to cast nine votes.
(3) Communication regarding the change in share capital and voting rights.
Historic share capital evolution pre-redomiciliation to the Netherlands (i.e. pre-04/07/2020)
Date Event Description Share Capital (€) Ordinary shares Monday, May 8, 2017 Share split Two-for-one share split
58,080,000 1,161,600,000 d Monday, May 10, 2010 Bonus share capital increase Bonus share capital increase via the issue of 290,400,000 new shares with a nominal value of € 0.10 each
to be provided free of charge to shareholders in the ratio of one new share for each share held58,080,000 580,800,000 d Monday, May 9, 2005 Share split Ten-for-one share split 29,040,000 290,400,000 d Friday, Jul 6, 2001 Listing Since 6 July 2001, Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A. ordinary shares have been traded on the Italian Stock Exchange (MTA) managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. (London Stock Exchange Group) 29,040,000 29,040,000 d -
The Ordinary shareholders’ meeting approved the 2023 annual financial statements and agreed the distribution of a dividend of €0.065 per outstanding share, in line with previous year. The total dividend, calculated on the outstanding shares and excluding own shares in the portfolio (29,489,664 shares on the date of the Shareholders’ Meeting), was €78,115,575 and was paid on 24 April 2024 (with an ex-date for coupon n. 4 of 22 April 2024, and with a record date of 23 April 2024).
Davide Campari-Milano N.V. has always pursued the creation of shareholder value. Our dividend policy is to fix a dividend per share in value and to evaluate and review it from time to time.
Year Dividend per share approved by Board of Directors1 Payout € million Coupon detachment date Payment date Record date Shareholders' meeting date Shares with dividend rights in million Pay out ratio (dividend/net profit) 2023 0.065 78.1 Monday, April 22, 2024 Wednesday, April 24, 2024 Tuesday, April 23, 2024 Thursday, April 11, 2024 1,201.8 23.6 2022 0.060 67.4 Monday, April 24, 2023 Wednesday, April 26, 2023 Tuesday, April 25, 2023 Thursday, April 13, 2023 1,124.0 13.1 2021 0.060 67.6 Tuesday, April 19, 2022 Thursday, April 21, 2022 Wednesday, April 20, 2022 Tuesday, April 12, 2022 1,127.2 40.5 2020 0.055 61.6 Monday, April 19, 2021 Wednesday, April 21, 2021 Tuesday, April 20, 2021 Thursday, April 8, 2021 1,120.5 30.5 2019 0.055 62.9 Monday, April 20, 2020 Wednesday, April 22, 2020 Tuesday, April 21, 2020 Friday, March 27, 2020 1,147.9 19.8 2018 0.050 57.3 Thursday,
Apr 23, 2019Tuesday,
Apr 25, 2019Wednesday,
Apr 24, 2019Tuesday,
Apr 16, 20191,145.9 19.3 2017 0.050 57.5 Monday,
May 21, 2018Wednesday,
May 23, 2018Tuesday,
May 22, 2018Monday,
Apr 23, 20181,150.2 16.1 2016 0.045 52.1 Monday,
May 22, 2017Wednesday,
May 24, 2017Tuesday,
May 23, 2017Friday,
Apr 28, 20171,158.8 31.4 2015 0.045 52.1 Monday,
May 23, 2016Wednesday,
May 25, 2016Tuesday,
May 24, 2016Friday,
Apr 29, 20161,158.5 29.7 2014 0.040 45.7 Monday,
May 18, 2015Wednesday,
May 20, 2015Tuesday,
May 19, 2015Thursday,
Apr 30, 20151,142.5 35.4 2013 0.040 46.1 Monday,
May 19, 2014Thursday,
May 22, 2014Wednesday,
May 21, 2014Wednesday,
Apr 30, 20141,152.0 30.8 2012 0.035 39.8 Monday,
May 20, 2013Thursday,
May 23, 2013Wednesday,
May 22, 2013Tuesday,
Apr 30, 20131,138.5 25.4 2011 0.035 40.5 Monday,
May 21, 2012Thursday,
May 24, 2012Friday,
Apr 27, 20121,157.3 25.4 2010 0.030 34.6 Monday,
May 23, 2011Thursday,
May 26, 2011Friday,
Apr 29, 20111,153.3 22.1 2009 0.030 34.6 Monday,
May 24, 2010Thursday,
May 27, 2010Friday,
Apr 30, 20101,152.8 25.2 2008 0.028 31.7 Monday,
May 18, 2009Thursday,
May 21 2009Thursday,
Apr 30, 20091,152.8 25.1 2007 0.028 31.8 Monday,
May 5, 2008Thursday,
May 8 2008Tuesday,
Apr 29, 20081,157.4 25.4 2006 0.025 29.0 Monday,
Apr 30, 2007Thursday,
May 4 2007Tuesday,
Apr 24, 20071,161.6 24.8 2005 0.025 28.1 Monday,
May 8, 2006Thursday,
May 11 2006Monday,
Apr 24, 20061,125.4 23.8 2004 0.025 28.1 Monday,
May 9, 2005Thursday,
May 12 2005Friday,
Apr 29, 20051,124.2 29.0 2003 0.022 24.7 Monday,
May 10, 2004Thursday,
May 13 2004Thursday,
Apr 29, 20041,121.6 30.9 2002 0.022 24.7 Monday,
May 19, 2003Thursday,
May 22 2003Wednesday,
Apr 30, 20031,121.6 28.5 2001 0.022 24.7 Monday,
May 6, 2002Thursday,
May 9 2002Tuesday,
Apr 30, 20021,121.6 38.9 1Share information prior to the dates on which changes to the amount of share capital occurred have been adjusted to take account of the new composition of share capital as described below:
two-for-one share split effective as at 8 May 2017
bonus share issue via the issue of 290,400,000 new shares with a nominal value of € 0.10 each to be provided free of charge to shareholders in the ratio of one new share for each share held, which came into effect on 10 May 2010
ten-for-one share split effective as at 9 May 2005
Shareholders’ Meetings
The shareholders’ meeting is responsible for approving, at ordinary sessions, the annual accounts, the appointment and dismissal of Board members and the appointment of members of the Board of Statutory Auditors, the remuneration of Directors and Auditors, the engagement of external auditors and the conferral of responsibilities to Directors and Auditors, and at extraordinary sessions, changes to the by-laws.
In order to allow for the orderly and functional execution of Shareholders’ Meetings and to guarantee the right of each shareholder to take the floor with regards to topics under discussion, the Shareholders’ Meeting approved the Shareholders’ meeting regulation.
Regulations governing Shareholders' meeting pdf
20252025Annual General Meeting 16 April 2025
As of the date of the notice (4 March 2025) for the Annual General Meeting of shareholders (‘AGM’) of Davide Campari-Milano N.V. (the ‘Company’) to be held on 16 April 2025, the share capital of the Company consists of the following:
- 1,231,267,738 ordinary shares which are issued and outstanding. Ordinary shares are listed, freely transferable and each of them confers the right to cast one vote.
- 71,696,938 special voting shares A which are issued and outstanding. Special voting shares A are not listed, not transferable (save for the exceptions set forth in the Special Voting Shares Terms and Conditions). Each special voting share A confers the right to cast one vote.
- 594,021,404 special voting shares B which are issued and outstanding. Special voting shares B are not listed, not transferable (save for the exceptions set forth in the Special Voting Shares Terms and Conditions). Each special voting share B confers the right to cast four votes.
As of the date of the notice (4 March 2025) for the AGM, the Company owns 30,218,200 treasury shares without the right for the Company to cast any vote.
Therefore, at such date, the total number of voting rights which can be cast at the AGM is equal to 3,616,709,941.As of the record date (19 March 2025) the total number of voting rights which can be cast at the AGM is equal to 3,613,364,426.
Please refer to the AGM notice for more information on how the AGM will take place, how to participate and how to vote.
Starting from 20 March 2025 (the day after the Record Date), for entitled shareholders votes can be cast directly online, through the following link:
Below is provided the Proxy Form to be used by shareholders holding their shares in an intermediary account participating in the Monte Titoli system and entitled to attend the meeting, in order to appoint Computershare S.p.A. to vote online according to the instructions provided in the form.
In addition to the possibility of physically attending the AGM, the Company wishes to assist its shareholders to attend the AGM also virtually by providing an adequate opportunity to follow the meeting. Upon registration and request of virtual attendance, shareholders will receive an email with a link to login for the AGM.
Shareholders will be able to login for (virtual) admission to the meeting on 16 April 2025 from 9.00 am CEST.
Documentation Annual General Meeting 16 April 2025Annual report for the year ended 31.12.2024Agenda & Explanatory Notes Notice of call Remuneration Policy Candidates CVForms Annual General Meeting 16 April 2025Proxy FormExtraordinary General Meeting 15 January 2025
As of the date of the notice (4 December 2024) for the Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders (‘EGM’) of Davide Campari-Milano N.V. (the ‘Company’) to be held on 15 January 2025, the share capital of the Company consists of the following:
- 1,231,267,738 ordinary shares which are issued and outstanding. Ordinary shares are listed, freely transferable and each of them confers the right to cast one vote.
- 71,696,938 special voting shares A which are issued and outstanding. Special voting shares A are not listed, not transferable (save for the exceptions set forth in the Special Voting Shares Terms and Conditions). Each special voting share A confers the right to cast one vote.
- 594,021,404 special voting shares B which are issued and outstanding. Special voting shares B are not listed, not transferable (save for the exceptions set forth in the Special Voting Shares Terms and Conditions). Each special voting share B confers the right to cast four votes.
As of the date of the notice (4 December 2024) for the EGM, the Company owns 28,313,076 treasury shares without the right for the Company to cast any vote.
Therefore, at such date, the total number of voting rights which can be cast at the EGM is equal to 3,650,737,216.
As of the record date (18 December 2024) the total number of voting rights which can be cast at the AGM is equal to 3,619,088,719.
Please refer to the EGM notice for more information on how the EGM will take place, how to participate and how to vote.
Starting from 19 December 2024 (the day after the Record Date), for entitled shareholders votes can be cast directly online, through the following link:
Below is provided the Proxy Form to be used by shareholders holding their shares in an intermediary account participating in the Monte Titoli system and entitled to attend the meeting, in order to appoint Computershare S.p.A. to vote online according to the instructions provided in the form.
In addition to the possibility of physically attending the EGM, the Company wishes to assist its shareholders to attend the EGM also virtually by providing an adequate opportunity to follow the meeting. Upon registration and request of virtual attendance, shareholders will receive an email with a link to login for the EGM.
Shareholders will be able to login for (virtual) admission to the meeting on 15 January 2025 from 9.00 am CEST.
Documentation Extraordinary General Meeting 15 January 2025Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting (Draft version) Voting results Notice of call Agenda and Explanatory Notes Simon Hunt's key terms of engagementForms Extraordinary General Meeting 15 January 2025Proxy form2024Annual General Meeting 11 April 2024
As of the date of the notice (27 February 2024) for the Annual General Meeting of shareholders (‘AGM’) of Davide Campari-Milano N.V. (the ‘Company’) to be held on 11 April 2024, the share capital of the Company consists of the following:
- 1,231,267,738 ordinary shares which are issued and outstanding. Ordinary shares are listed, freely transferable and each of them confers the right to cast one vote.
- 71,696,938 special voting shares A which are issued and outstanding. Special voting shares A are not listed, not transferable (save for the exceptions set forth in the Special Voting Shares Terms and Conditions). Each special voting share A confers the right to cast one vote.
- 594,021,404 special voting shares B which are issued and outstanding. Special voting shares B are not listed, not transferable (save for the exceptions set forth in the Special Voting Shares Terms and Conditions). Each special voting share B confers the right to cast four votes.
As of the date of the notice (27 February 2024) for the AGM, the Company owns 60,878,191 treasury shares without the right for the Company to cast any vote.
Therefore, at such date, the total number of voting rights which can be cast at the AGM is equal to 3,618,172,101.
As of the record date (14 March 2024) the total number of voting rights which can be cast at the AGM is equal to 3,618,243,755.
Please refer to the AGM notice for more information on how the AGM will take place, how to participate and how to vote.
Starting from 15 March 2024 (the day after the Record Date), for entitled shareholders votes can be cast directly online, through the following link:
Below is provided the Proxy Form to be used by shareholders holding their shares in an intermediary account participating in the Monte Titoli system and entitled to attend the meeting, in order to appoint Computershare S.p.A. to vote online according to the instructions provided in the form.
In addition to the possibility of physically attending the AGM, the Company wishes to assist its shareholders to attend the AGM also virtually by providing an adequate opportunity to follow the meeting. Upon registration and request of virtual attendance, shareholders will receive an email with a link to login for the AGM.
Shareholders will be able to login for (virtual) admission to the meeting on 11 April 2024 from 9.00 am CEST.
Forms Annual General Meeting 11 April 2024Proxy Form2023Annual General Meeting 13 April 2023
As of the date of the notice (21 February 2023) for the Annual General Meeting of shareholders (‘AGM’) of Davide Campari-Milano N.V. (the ‘Company’) to be held on 13 April 2023 and as of the record date (16 March 2023), the share capital of the Company consists of the following:
- 1,161,600,000 ordinary shares which are issued and outstanding. Ordinary shares are listed, freely transferable and each of them confers the right to cast one vote.
- 665,718,342 special voting shares A which are issued and outstanding. Special voting shares A are not listed, not transferable (save for the exceptions set forth in the Special Voting Shares Terms and Conditions). Each special voting share A confers the right to cast one vote.
As of the record date (16 March 2023), the Company owns 75,431,832 treasury shares without the right for the Company to cast any vote.
Therefore, the total number of voting rights which can be cast at the AGM is equal to 1,751,886,510.
Please refer to the AGM notice for more information on how the AGM will take place, how to participate and how to vote.
Starting from 17 March 2023 (the day after the Record Date), for entitled shareholders votes can be cast directly online, through the following link:
Below is provided the Proxy Form to be used by shareholders holding their shares in an intermediary account participating in the Monte Titoli system and entitled to attend the meeting, in order to appoint Computershare S.p.A. to vote online according to the instructions provided in the form.
In addition to the possibility of physically attending the AGM, the Company wishes to assist its shareholders to attend the AGM also virtually by providing an adequate opportunity to follow the meeting. Upon registration and request of virtual attendance, shareholders will receive an email with a link to login for the AGM.
Shareholders will be able to login for (virtual) admission to the meeting on 13 April 2023 from 9.00 am CEST.
Documentation Annual General Meeting 13 April 2023Annual report for the year ended 31.12.2022Minutes of the annual general meeting Draft minutes of the Annual General Meeting Notice of call Agenda and Explanatory Notes Explanatory Report on Stock Option Plan Voting resultsForms Annual General Meeting 13 April 2023Proxy Form2022Annual General Meeting 12 April 2022
As of the date of the notice (23 February 2022) for the Annual General Meeting of shareholders (‘AGM’) of Davide Campari-Milano N.V. (the ‘Company’) to be held on 12 April 2022 and as of the record date (15 March 2022) , the share capital of the Company consists of the following:
- 1,161,600,000 ordinary shares which are issued and outstanding. Ordinary shares are listed, freely transferable and each of them confers the right to cast one vote.
- 665,718,342 special voting shares A which are issued and outstanding. Special voting shares A are not listed, not transferable (save for the exceptions set forth in the Special Voting Shares Terms and Conditions). Each special voting share A confers the right to cast one vote.
For sake of clarity, as of 15 March 2022 the Company owns 103,062,982 shares without the right for the Company to cast any vote.
Therefore, the total number of voting rights which can be cast at the AGM is equal to 1,724,255,360.
As of today, due to the emergency measures adopted by the Dutch government in relation to the coronavirus pandemics (COVID-19) and in accordance with the COVID-19 Act, shareholders cannot attend the AGM in person.
The shareholders are urged to register their votes in advance on the resolutions to be put to the AGM by registration of their proxy as referred to below. It will not be possible to vote during the AGM.
Starting from 16 March 2022 (the day after the Record Date), shareholders holding their shares in an intermediary account participating in the Monte Titoli system and entitled to attend the AGM, may log in to the website to directly cast their vote online, through the following link:
Below is provided the Proxy Form to be used by shareholders holding their shares in an intermediary account participating in the Monte Titoli system and entitled to attend the meeting, in order to appoint Computershare S.p.A. to vote online according to the instructions provided in the form.
The Company wishes to assist its shareholders to attend the AGM electronically by providing an adequate opportunity to follow the meeting. Upon registration and the request of virtual attendance, a shareholder will receive an email with a link to login for the AGM.
Any question should relate to the business of the AGM and be submitted by no later than 9.30 a.m. CEST on 9 April 2022 via mail to:
Shareholders will be able to login for (virtual) admission to the meeting on 12 April 2022 from 9.00 am CEST.
Forms Annual General Meeting 12 April 2022Proxy_Form (english version)2021Annual General Meeting 8 April 2021
As of the date of the notice (25 February 2021) for the Annual General Meeting of shareholders (‘AGM’) of Davide Campari-Milano N.V. (the ‘Company’) to be held on 8 April 2021 and as of the record date (11 March 2021) – the share capital of the Company consists of the following:
- 1,161,600,000 ordinary shares which are issued and outstanding. Ordinary shares are listed, freely transferable and each of them confers the right to cast one vote.
- 665,718,342 special voting shares A (‘SVS A’) which are issued and outstanding. SVS A are not listed, not transferable (save for the exceptions set forth in the Special Voting Shares Terms and Conditions). Each SVS A confers the right to cast one vote.
For sake of clarity, as of 25 February 2021, the Company owned 56,253,482 shares, while, as of 11 March 2021 (record date), the Company owns 56,156,058 shares, without the right for the Company to cast any vote.
Therefore, the total number of voting rights which can be cast at the AGM is equal to 1,771,162,284.
Due to the emergency measures adopted by the Dutch government in relation to the coronavirus pandemics (COVID-19) and in accordance with the COVID-19 Act, shareholders cannot attend the AGM in person at Hilton Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, but can participate in the AGM via webcast.
The shareholders are urged to register their votes in advance on the resolutions to be put to the AGM by registration of their proxy as referred to below. It will not be possible to vote during the AGM.
Starting from 12 March 2021 (the day after the Record Date), shareholders holding their shares in an intermediary account participating in the Monte Titoli system and entitled to attend the AGM, may log in to the website in order to directly cast their vote online, through the following link:
Below is provided the Proxy Form to be used by shareholders holding their shares in an intermediary account participating in the Monte Titoli system and entitled to attend the meeting, in order to appoint Computershare S.p.A. to vote online according to the instructions provided in the form.
The Company wishes to assist its shareholders to attend the AGM electronically by providing an adequate opportunity to follow the meeting. Upon registration and the request of virtual attendance, a shareholder will receive an email with a link to login for the AGM.
Shareholders will be able to login for (virtual) admission to the meeting on April 8, 2021 at 9.00 am CEST.
Forms Annual General Meeting 8 April 2021Proxy Form (lingua inglese)2020Extraordinary Shareholders' meeting 18 September 2020
As of the date of the notice (7 August 2020) for the Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders (‘EGM’) of Davide Campari-Milano N.V. (the ‘Company’) to be held on 18 September 2020, at Schiphol, The Netherlands, and as of the record date (21 August 2020) – the share capital of the Company consists of the following:
- 1,161,600,000 ordinary shares which are issued and outstanding. Ordinary shares are listed, freely transferable and each of them confers the right to cast one vote.
- 665,718,342 special voting shares A which are issued and outstanding. Special voting shares A are not listed, not transferable (save for the exceptions set forth in the Special Voting Shares Terms and Conditions). Each special voting share A confers the right to cast one vote.
For sake of clarity, as of 7 August 2020, the Company owned 33,705,381 ordinary shares, while, as of 21 August 2020 (record date), the Company owns 34,972,091 ordinary shares, without the right for the Company to cast any vote.
Therefore, the total number of voting rights which can be cast at the EGM is equal to 1,792,346,251.
Forms Extraordinary Shareholders' meeting 18 September 2020Proxy form Attendance and proxy cardExtraordinary Shareholders' meeting 26 June 2020
Forms Extraordinary Shareholders' meeting 26 June 2020Proxy form Proxy form Designated RepresentativeOrdinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' meeting 27 March 2020
Documentation Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' meeting 27 March 2020Details regarding attendance to the ordinary and extraordinary shareholders' meeting convened on 27 march 2020 update Details regarding attendance to the ordinary and extraordinary shareholders' meeting convened on 27 march 2020 Notice of shareholders’ meeting 27 March 2020Forms Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' meeting 27 March 2020Proxy form Proxy form Designated RepresentativeResults - Minutes Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' meeting 27 March 2020Minutes of the extraordinary shareholders' meeting Summary report of the votes Minutes of the ordinary shareholders' meetingEXTRAORDINARY SESSION - PROPOSAL TO TRANSFER THE COMPANY’S REGISTERED OFFICE TO THE NETHERLANDS
2019Ordinary shareholders' meeting 16 April 2019
Forms Ordinary shareholders' meeting 16 April 2019Proxy form Proxy form Designated RepresentativeResults - Minutes Shareholders' Meeting April, 16th 2019Shareholders' Meeting April 16th 20192018Ordinary Shareholders’ meeting 23 April 2018
Forms Ordinary Shareholders’ meeting 23 April 2018Proxy form Designated RepresentativeOrdinary Shareholders’ meeting 23 April 2018Proxy form2017Ordinary shareholders' meeting 19 December 2017
Documentation Ordinary shareholders' meeting 19 December 2017Call of ordinary shareholders’ meeting 19 December 2017 - Board of Directors’ Report on the items on the Agenda of the Shareholders’ Meeting 19 December 2017Forms Ordinary shareholders' meeting 19 December 2017Proxy form Proxy form Designated RepresentativeResults - Minutes Ordinary shareholders' meeting 19 December 2017Minutes of the Ordinary shareholders' meeting of Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A. on 19 December 2017Ordinary shareholders' meeting 19 December 2017Press release 19 December 2017 Ordinary shareholders’ meeting of Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A.Ordinary shareholders' meeting 19 December 2017Summary Report of the votes - Ordinary Shareholders' meeting 19 December 2017ORDINARY AND EXTRAORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS' MEETING 28 APRIL 2017
Forms ORDINARY AND EXTRAORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS' MEETING 28 APRIL 2017Proxy form Proxy form Designated Representative2016Ordinary Shareholders' Meetings 29 April 2016
Forms Ordinary Shareholders' Meetings 29 April 2016Proxy form Designated Representative 29 April 3016Ordinary Shareholders' Meetings 29 April 2016Proxy Form 29 April 2016Results - Minutes Ordinary Shareholders' Meetings 29 April 2016Press Release 29 April 2016 Ordinary Shareholders’ meeting of Davide Campari‐Milano S.p.A.Ordinary Shareholders' Meetings 29 April 2016Summary Report of the votes - Ordinary Shareholders' Meetings 29 April 2016Ordinary Shareholders' Meetings 29 April 2016Minutes of the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A. of 29 April 20162015Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting 28 January 2015
Documentation Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting 28 January 2015Explanatory Report by the Board of Directors to the Extraordinary Shareholders' MeetingExtraordinary Shareholders' Meeting 28 January 2015Explanatory Report by the Board of Directors to the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting (amended version)Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting 28 January 2015Press release 9 January 2015 - Shareholders’ meeting of 28 January 2015 (loyalty shares) - Filing of documentationExtraordinary Shareholders' Meeting 28 January 2015Shareholders’ meeting of 28 January 2015 (loyalty shares) Addendum to the Explanatory ReportExtraordinary Shareholders' Meeting 28 January 2015Call of Extraordinary shareholders’ meetingExtraordinary Shareholders' Meeting 28 January 2015Notice convening the extraordinary shareholders’ meetingForms Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting 28 January 2015Proxy formExtraordinary Shareholders' Meeting 28 January 2015Proxy form Designated RepresentativeResults - Minutes Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting 28 January 2015Minutes of the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of January 28Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting 28 January 2015Publication of the updated Articles of Association and the minutes of the Extraordinary Shareholders' MeetingExtraordinary Shareholders' Meeting 28 January 2015Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A.: loyalty shares approved by a large majorityOrdinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting 30 April 2015
Forms Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting 30 April 2015Proxy form Designated Representative 30 April 3015Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting 30 April 2015Proxy form 30 April 3015Results - Minutes Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting 30 April 2015Press Release 30 April 2015 Extraordinary and Ordinary Shareholders’ meeting of Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A.Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting 30 April 2015Summary Report of the votes - Extraordinary and ordinary Shareholders' Meetings 30 April 2015 (available only in italian)Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting 30 April 2015Minutes of Ordinary Shareholders’ meeting of Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A. of April 30Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting 30 April 2015Minutes of the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A. of April 30Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting 30 April 2015Publication of the minutes of the Extraordinary and Ordinary Shareholders’ meeting of April 30Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting 30 April 2015Articles of Association2014Ordinary Shareholders' Meetings 30 April 2014
Attending and Voting Ordinary Shareholders' Meetings 30 April 2014Regulations governing Shareholders' meetingForms Ordinary Shareholders' Meetings 30 April 2014Proxy formOrdinary Shareholders' Meetings 30 April 2014Proxy form Designated RepresentativeResults - Minutes Ordinary Shareholders' Meetings 30 April 2014Minutes of the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A. of 30 April 20142013Ordinary Shareholders' Meetings 30 April 2013
Attending and Voting Ordinary Shareholders' Meetings 30 April 2013Regulations governing Shareholders' meetingOrdinary Shareholders' Meetings 30 April 2013Regulations governing Shareholders' meetingForms Ordinary Shareholders' Meetings 30 April 2013Proxy form Proxy form Designated RepresentativeOrdinary Shareholders' Meetings 30 April 2013Proxy form Proxy form Designated RepresentativeResults - Minutes Ordinary Shareholders' Meetings 30 April 2013Minutes of the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A. of 30 April 2013