Campari Group contribution to the Ukrainian Emergency

Campari Group contribution to the Ukrainian Emergency

At Campari Group, we are very concerned about the current geopolitical crisis. Since the beginning, our focus has been on ensuring the safety and security of our people based in Ukraine. We have been in touch with them to provide the best possible support, organizing potential sheltering solutions for our employees and exploring accommodation options in places outside Ukraine to welcome Camparistas that might decide to leave the country. We also provided them with financial support to help face this emergency.

While we are monitoring the situation of our colleagues very closely, in this extremely difficult time, our heartfelt thoughts go out to all the people who have been impacted and are suffering because of this crisis: for this reason, we have decided to make financial contributions to the following humanitarian charities: International Committee of the Red Cross, UNHCR and Save the Children.

Above all, we wish for a peaceful resolution to come as soon as possible.