Campari Group donates 1 million euros to public healthcare institution ASST Fatebenefratelli Sacco in Milan for the Coronavirus emergency

Campari Group donates 1 million euros to public healthcare institution ASST Fatebenefratelli Sacco in Milan for the Coronavirus emergency

stronger togheter

Campari and Milano: a bond which originates 160 years ago a few steps away from the Duomo Cathedral.

With Your open and cosmopolitan spirit, You have inspired our concept of conviviality, socializing, getting together. You have inspired a ritual, the Aperitif, which we have proudly taken around the world over the years, as a symbol of our hometown.

Milano, You are a driver of economic and social development. Behind You is a long and unique history, while all along You have always been ahead of times on the cultural scene and always channeling the greatest energies of our country.

Today, You are hit by an emergency that is taking its toll on all of Italy and the whole world. But you don’t give up.

You are the symbol of a region and a country where passionate teams of doctors and health workers are working tirelessly with professionalism and extreme dedication to heal the deep wounds that the Coronavirus emergency is inflicting to all of us.

The current emergency compels us to stop all forms of social aggregation and conviviality.

Waiting for the rebound together, longing to put all of this behind us, we want to show You our sympathy and gratitude by doing what we feel like a duty as Milanese and Italians.

For this reason, Campari Group has decided to donate € 1 million to public healthcare institution ASST Fatebenefratelli Sacco in Milan, center of national excellence in the research and treatment of highly contagious and dangerous diseases, a reference point dealing with patients critically affected by Covid-19. The sum will be used to finance an Intensive Care Operational Unit to hospitalize patients positive to Covid-19 and in the most critical conditions as well as to supply a negative pressures system equipped with 10 resuscitation kits.


But we don’t stop here and we invite all our Camparistas, our customers and our ever-loyal consumers to take part by making their own donation with a deposit into ASST Fatebenefratelli Sacco bank account:

IBAN: IT 57 W 03111 01603 000000009130

Purpose of the Payment: Campari supports Sacco for Covid-19 emergency.

Milano, Campari Group is by your side in these difficult times.

We look forward to celebrating together with you and all of Italy the end of this emergency, when safety and serenity will be restored.                                                                                                                                                                                           

Davide Campari Milano S.p.A along with its 4,200 Camparistas around the world