J. Wray & Nephew dona 2.000 kit alimentari a Cornpiece Clarendom

J. Wray & Nephew dona 2.000 kit alimentari a Cornpiece Clarendom

J. Wray & Nephew dona 2.000 kit alimentari a Cornpiece Clarendom

Kingston Jamaica.  In its most recent philanthropic effort, today J. Wray and Nephew Limited handed over two thousand (2,000) food packages to Member of Parliament for South East Clarendon Mr Pearnel Charles Jr and Custos of Clarendon, Hon. William Shagoury for the residents of the Cornpiece community in Clarendon.   The community sits within the clarendon belt of J. Wray & Nephew’s New Yarmouth Estate and is the dormitory to several of its employees.

Chairman of JWN and the JWN Foundation Clement “Jimmy” Lawrence said, “as a member of the Clarendon Community we are aware of the challenges the residents are facing while under-quarantine. In keeping with our commitment to support our communities, we are providing these food packages through the JWN Foundation. It is our hope that this will make things easier for the residents.”

Speaking further on the donation Lawrence said, “we would like to thank our partners in this effort wholesalers and JWN customers Stoplight Wholesale, National Selfserve, as well as, Food Palace and Wholesale all local companies from May Pen. We would also like to thank MJ Trucking for transporting the packages.   It our profound belief that Together we are stronger, #strongertogether. “

In accepting the donation on behalf the residents, Member of Parliament East Clarendon, Pearnel Charles Jnr said "The JWN Foundation must be recognized for their humanitarian service and leadership in times when it matters most. The care packages you have donated will provide vital support to the people of South East Clarendon who have been severely impacted by the corona virus. We thank you sincerely".

JWN was one of the first companies to respond to the Jamaican fight against coronavirus/COVID-19 when it made available a total of 100,000 litres of high alcohol and hand sanitizers combined, to the national health Service through the National Health Fund (NHF).  Earlier this week, the Company committed Five Million Jamaican Dollars (5,000,000) to the Private Sector Organization of Jamaica’s (PSOJ) COVID-19 Jamaica Response Fund.

In closing Lawrence reiterated “J. Wray & Nephew Limited (JWN) has been blending and bottling fine rums and spirits since 1825 and throughout our 195 years of operating we have responded to every major disaster that has affected Jamaica. We are prepared to continue playing our part as good corporate citizens and an integral party of the Jamaican tapestry.”


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